

The Top 12 LinkedIn Tools to Improve Sales Prospecting

Discover the list of 12 Linkedin tools to boost sales. Learn about Linkedin Sales Navigator, Linkedin Plugins, Leadfuze, Outro, Rapportive.

last updated Monday, May 15, 2023
#Linkedin tools #Linkedin sales navigator

John Burson     Subscribe
The Top 10 LinkedIn Tools to Improve Sales Prospecting


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Are your sales teams generating enough sales from LinkedIn leads? Many b2b companies recognize LinkedIn's impact on sales due to the platform's fantastic membership of over 433 million people distributed across more than 200 countries.

LinkedIn is the leading b2b marketing strategy; anyone looking to network with prospects with a broad range of job titles should embrace it.

Here are the top 12 LinkedIn tools that will improve your sales as a social media marketing professional:

Crystal Personality platform

Sometimes b2b marketers become creative by experimenting with different personality platforms like Crystal to describe services. For example, you can use Crystal to gain immediate access to thousands or millions of targeted personality profiles and freely share information with anyone.

LeadFuze Prospecting Tool

With over 430 million prospects to navigate in your search for leads, it's easy to find yourself drowning in piles of data with no clear guidelines on which way to go. LeadFuze tool allows you to generate a list of leads and targeted accounts through a simple query. Additionally, LeadFuze enables you to access prospects' phone numbers and email addresses, which makes the sales process easier.

SalesLoft Sales Tool

SalesLoft allows marketers to integrate all the essential sales tools to function together in perfect harmony. Some tools you should incorporate include Crystal, Owler, InsideView, etc. The platform may not be ideal for beginners, but sales professionals derive the best from it.

Outro Community

Do you know your leading target accounts? How do you uncover valid leads not in your connections? The Outro tool enables you to identify qualified leads from within and outside your relationships- the Outro community. In addition to saving search times, Outro allows integration with CRM, contact details exportation and extraction of reports.

Lead Generation Software: lets users download lead lists from Linkedin to a document processor like Excel. The software can also assist with sending emails to the saved prospect list and personalized outreach messages for your b2b marketing strategy.

LinkedIn Sales Navigator Tool

The sales navigator offered by LinkedIn is a great place to begin when looking to boost sales. It functions to connect sellers with buyers in a unique way. Some of the most compelling features of the sales Navigator include:

  • You are using advanced algorithms to locate prospects matching your offering.
  • Sales insights for accurate decision-making.
  • Relationship-building tools for continual advancement towards making sales.

LinkedIn Plugin Functionalities

If you add LinkedIn functions to your website, plugins become essential. Some plugins that you can utilize to impact sales on social selling include Follow, Share, Profile, and much more.

Small Business Description

LinkedIn uses a three-step approach to small business social selling that can be an effective lead builder. Your small business can significantly improve sales, meet business objectives, and build trust when appropriately designed. The three-step approach includes the following:

  • Establish a brand presence.
  • Connect with the target audience.
  • Engage your prospects with content marketing.

Guru Network

LinkedIn is about finding qualified prospects and gathering adequate information to transform these leads into sales. Guru takes various data from each opportunity and feeds you with the following:

  • Current clients are working in the same industry.
  • Prospect competitors.
  • A guide to sales in the prospect's industry.

Rapportive Tool

If you're using Gmail, you can transform your inbox into a powerful sales tool. This is made possible with the Rapportive tool. Installing the free Chrome add-on and the Rapportive tool will bring Linkedin profile information to your Gmail.

Most people will visit your LinkedIn account if you first see their profiles. eLink Pro allows you to automate visiting different shapes that appear as qualified prospects. You can visit 800 profiles daily, and 5-10% of them will return to your profile.

Discover Tool

The Discovery tool allows you to gather information about your prospects in one place. For example, you can learn about your prospects' engagement in other social media platforms like Facebook and establish a deeper relationship. You need a Chrome browser extension to use the Discovery Tool.


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