

4 Commercial Property Types to Buy in 2024

Commercial properties present a myriad of opportunities and increase you access to lender funds; however, there are commercial priorities you need to prioritize in 2023.

last updated Monday, July 1, 2024
#Commercial Property #Industrial Warehouse

John Burson     Subscribe
4 Commercial Property Types to Buy in 2017


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2024 is still young, and you might want to invest in real estate or follow your curiosity about the hottest commercial properties available. Whatever your reasons, read on for a list of the best picks of 2023 for commercial investments:

Warehouses for Industrial Use

Since the great recession of 2008-2012, industrial warehouses have dominated the commercial real estate market mainly from a continuous increase in demand from different sectors. Both commercial lenders and real estate investors prefer investing in industrial warehouses as they have an ongoing need and good returns.

Housing for Students

As demand increases, investments in student houses show steady growth, attracting investors from all quarters. However, consider the location when looking to invest in student housing. Look for properties within walking distance from campuses and conduct thorough research to understand student demands thoroughly, their favorite properties, and the market rates. When working with student housing, you will often find better funds access with commercial bridges and conventional lenders.


After the 41 percent drop in hotel values in 2009-2012, investors are taking their time before investing in hotels and properties targeted at the tourism industry. If you believe a hotel is worth the investment, do not let the hype and colorful advertisements fool you. Good locations can quickly turn into nightmares: study industry trends and speak with experts to help you decide. Additionally, you will have difficulty accessing hotel funds if you focus entirely on traditional lenders such as banks.

Senior Housing

Although Senior Housing does not appear on the list, several industry experts push investors toward these commercial properties as market demand increases. As more and more people live longer than any other generation, strategically located Senior Housing could be a significant investment in 2017 and the future.
Learn more about senior housing: Paperfree Investment Magazine -   Is senior housing a good investment? 
Papefree Investment Marketplace, investment category - #Senior Housing Investing  Papefree Investment Funds - [] Senior Housing Investment Funds

Are there commercial properties you are adding to your favorites list in 2024? Please share with us today. 


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